Board Meeting
AT 12:30 P.M., TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2025 AT THE
Assistance for the Disabled: If you are disabled in any way and need
accommodation to participate in the meeting,
please contact Administrative Staff at (209) 948-0333 at least 48-hours
in advance for assistance so the necessary arrangements can be made.
Please call (347) 566-2741/Passcode: 921 317 838#
to be connected to the Regular Board Meeting, to begin at 12:30 p.m.
Agendas and minutes are located on our website at
A. Pledge of Allegiance (Director Nakaue) & Roll Call
B. Consent Calendar
C. Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)
D. Scheduled Presentations and Agenda Items
1. Minutes
a. Minutes 02/20/25 Special Meeting
b. Minutes 02/25/25 Regular Meeting
2. Warrants – California’s Public Employees’ Retirement System
3. Warrants
a. Fund 56 – Construction Fund
b. Fund 70 – Administration Fund
c. Fund 71 – Water Supply Fund
d. Fund 89 – Fish Passage Improvements Fund
e. Fund 91 – Vehicle Fund
f. Fund 94 – Municipal & Industrial Fund
g. Payroll
h. Summary
i. Short Names/Acronym List
j. SEWD Vehicles & Heavy Equipment
4. Stockton East Water District – Consideration Of
Approval For 2025 COLA Adjustment Per Memorandum
Of Understanding And Per Diem Increase For The Board Staff Report
5. Stockton East Water District – Consider Award Of Contract
To Winning Chemical Bids Staff Report
6. Stockton East Water District – Consider Approval Of Budget
Amendment To Facilitate Project Completion Staff Report
E. Committee Reports
1. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Executive
Committee Meeting, 02/27/25
2. Eastern Water Alliance Quarterly Meeting, 03/06/25
3. San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition
Steering Committee Meeting, 03/10/25
F. Report of the General Manager
1. Water Supply Report 02/25/24
2. Informational Items
a. Report: Quake Could Destroy Farmington Dam,, 01/07/11
b. ACWA/JPIA Risk Control Grant Program Winner, 02/26/25
c. Fair Political Practices Commission – Form 700 E-Filing,
3. Report on General Manager Activities
a. ACWA State Legislative Committee Meeting,
b. Stockton East Water District Activities Update
4. Stockton East Water District Water Supply Update
G. Director Reports
1. North San Joaquin Water Conservation District
Town Hall – Lodi Grape Festival & Event
Center, 02/26/25
2. San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation Annual
Dinner, 03/04/25
3. Ag Venture – Lodi, 03/06/25
4. Pacific Southwest Irrigation 18th Annual Open
House & Exhibition, 03/06/25
5. Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – March
“Shamrock” Tradeshow Mixer, University Plaza
Waterfront, 03/06/25
H. Communications
1. Central Valley Project Coalition Letter, 02/25/25
I. Agenda Planning/Upcoming Events
1. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Steering
Committee Meeting, 8:30 a.m., 03/12/25
*This meeting has been cancelled
2. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Board
Meeting, 10:30 a.m., 03/12/25
*This meeting has been cancelled
3. San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation Monthly Water
Committee Meeting, 4:30 p.m., 03/12/25
4. F&M Bank – Annual AG BBQ, 11:00 a.m., 03/13/25
5. ACWA Spring Quarterly Policy Committee Meeting,
9:00 a.m., 03/13/25
6. CVP Water Association – Executive and Financial Affairs
Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., 03/14/25
7. Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom Meeting, 1:30 p.m., 03/14/25
J. Closed Session
Government Code Section 54956.8
Property: 091-240-120-000, 091-240-250-000, 091-240-350-000
Agent Negotiator: Justin Hopkins, General Manager
Negotiating Parties: Robert V & Venere M Marciano TR
Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment
LITIGATION Potential exposure to litigation – Government Code
Section 54956.9 – two cases
K. Adjournment
Certification of Posting
I hereby certify that on March 6, 2025 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda in the outside display case at the District Office, 6767 East Main Street, Stockton, California, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stockton East Water District (Government Code Section 54954.2).
Executed at Stockton, California on March 6, 2025.
Signed By: Priya Ram, 03/06/25
Priya Ram, Director of Finance & Administration
Stockton East Water District
Any materials related to items on this agenda distributed to the Board of Directors of Stockton East Water District less than 72 hours before the public meeting are available for public inspection at the District’s office located at the following address: 6767 East Main Street, Stockton, CA 95215. Upon request, these materials may be available in an alternative format to persons with disabilities.
ON TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2025, AT 12:30 P.M.
President McGurk called the regular meeting to order at 12:30 p.m., and Director Atkins led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present at roll call at the District were Directors Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti and Watkins. Also present were Manager Hopkins, Assistant Manager Vega, Director of Finance and Administration Ram, Water Supply Manager Donis, District Engineer Evensen, Administrative Assistant Rodriguez, Legal Counsel Zolezzi and Consultant Barkett. Director Cortopassi and Director Nakaue were absent.
1. Minutes
a. Minutes 02/20/25 Special Meeting
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the February 20, 2025, Minutes, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
b. Minutes 02/25/25 Regular Meeting
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the February 25, 2025, Regular Meeting Minutes, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
2. Warrants – California’s Public Employees’ Retirement System
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the March 11, 2025, California’s Public Employees’ Retirement System, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
3. Warrants
a. Fund 56 – Construction Fund
b. Fund 70 – Administration Fund
c. Fund 71 – Water Supply Fund
d. Fund 89 – Fish Passage Improvement Fund
e. Fund 91 – Vehicle Fund
f. Fund 94 – Municipal & Industrial Fund
g. Payroll
h. Summary
i. Short Names/Acronym List
j. SEWD Vehicles & Heavy Equipment
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the March 11, 2025, Warrants, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
4. Stockton East Water District – Consideration Of Approval For 2025 COLA Adjustment Per Memorandum Of Understanding And Per Diem Increase For The Board Staff Report
Manager Hopkins presented the Board with a staff report to Consider Approval For 2025 COLA Adjustment Per Memorandum Of Understanding and Per Diem Increase. Manager Hopkins reported in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Stockton East Water District and its employees, an annual salary adjustment is required to take effect on April 1 each year. Additionally, under Section 6 of Ordinance 13, dated June 27, 2023, the Board is responsible for determining whether to approve a 5% increase in per diem compensation before April 1 each year. Manager Hopkins reviewed the staff report and staff provided responses to questions.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the 2.5% COLA increase for all regular employees per the District MOU, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
5. Stockton East Water District – Consider Award of Contract To Winning Chemical Bids Staff Report
Manager Hopkins provided the Board with a staff report to Consider Award of Contract To Winning Chemical Bids. Manager Hopkins reported Stockton East Water District (District) has issued a request for bids to establish chemical supply contracts for the upcoming fiscal year, 2025-2026, for use in the Dr. Joe Waidhoffer Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The bid opening occurred on March 3, 2025, at 2:00 pm, and the chemicals being bid are essential to the water treatment process, including coagulants, pH adjusters, and disinfectants. Manager Hopkins reviewed the staff report and staff provided responses to questions.
A motion was moved and seconded to authorize the General Manager to approve Chemical Vendor Agreements with the lowest bidder. Additionally, in case of emergency or lack of performance by any low bidder, Staff further recommends the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager (or his designee) to approve emergency orders from another responsible bidder on the list at the lowest possible price, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
6. Stockton East Water District – Consider Approval of Budget Amendment To Facilitate Project Completion Staff Report
Manager Hopkins presented the Board with a staff report to Consider Approval of Budget Amendment to Facilitate Project Completion. Manager Hopkins reported Stockton East Water District (District) has been overseeing a construction project to build a flow-measuring concrete Replogle flume structure in the Upper Farmington Canal (UFC), located near the Goodwin Tunnel Outlet. The project, which was initially approved by the Board on December 26, 2023, with a total contract value of $1,400,180.10, has faced significant unforeseen challenges during construction. Despite incorporating a rock clause in the contract documents, the project encountered substantially more bedrock than originally anticipated. This has resulted in increased rock excavation costs, and when combined with design modifications, the overall project cost has exceeded the initial budget. Manager Hopkins reviewed the staff report and staff provided responses to questions.
A motion was moved and seconded to authorize the General Manager to enter into negotiation to settle the remaining amounts expected to be invoiced, execute a contract amendment up to $1,021,674, which is the current amount of the overages contained in Change Order #9, pending and contingent on the General Manager’s evaluation of the merits of ACM’s backup documentation and a budget amendment as presented in Table 3, to cover the possible negotiation of the overages, as presented.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Atkins, McGurk, Panizza, Sanguinetti, Watkins
Nayes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Cortopassi, Nakaue
1. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Executive Committee Meeting, 02/27/25
Director Watkins attended the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Executive Committee Meeting. Director Watkins reported the committee discussed several key items, including the job description for the Executive Director, initiating the process for drilling the monitoring wells, and moving forward with the grant funding. Condor has been contracted to perform fall and spring well monitoring, and the committee is also seeking a surveyor to conduct the subsidence survey in the Waterloo area. Additionally, Director Watkins noted the committee reviewed the plan to update the Groundwater Model before proceeding with allocation. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12th.
2. Eastern Water Alliance Quarterly Meeting, 03/06/25
Director McGurk and Assistant Manager Vega attended the Eastern Water Alliance Meeting. Director McGurk reported although there was no quorum, the presentations were still shared with the Board. Manager Hopkins explained the purpose of the Open ET presentations was to introduce the Eastern Water Alliance Board to the use of satellite data for estimating groundwater use across the entire eastside. Assistant Manager Vega reported the presentation included information from Land IQ and Open ET. Zanjero AMS also gave an overview of their open-source accounting framework.
3. San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition Steering Committee Meeting, 03/10/25
Director Atkins attended the San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition Steering Committee Meeting. Director Atkins reported the committee approved the minutes and noted the new fiscal year will begin on July 1st. The committee will also be conducting outreach to individuals with high nitrate levels in their wells and will provide bottled water to those affected, at an estimated annual cost of $123K. Additionally, Director Atkins provided updates on membership and discussed old business.
1. Water Supply Report as of 02/25/25
Manager Hopkins provided a handout of the Water Supply Report for information only that included storage, release, and production data collected from various sources as of midnight last night.
There is 205,416 AF in storage at New Hogan Reservoir. Current releases are set at 43 cfs. There is 1,947,222 AF in storage at New Melones Reservoir. Current releases are set at 83 cfs. The current release at Goodwin Dam to Stanislaus River is set at 202 cfs and release to all water users is set at 202 cfs. The District Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is currently processing 22 mgd. North Stockton is currently utilizing 4 mgd. South Stockton is currently using 5 mgd. Cal Water is currently utilizing 11 mgd. The City of Stockton WTP is currently processing 11 mgd.
2. Information Items: F-2a, F-2b and F-2c
3. Report on General Manager Activities
a. ACWA State Legislative Committee Meeting, 03/07/25
Director of Finance & Administration Ram attended the ACWA State Legislative Committee Meeting. Manager Hopkins reported there were fourteen bills, primarily categorized into three major areas: Wildfire, Brown Act, and Low-Income Rate Assistance. While most of the bills did not directly affect the District, AB 259 stands out as it aims to remove the existing January 1, 2026, sunset clause from AB 2449, which allows remote meetings. ACWA supports this provision, as it is used by the District when Directors need to be absent. Another Brown Act-related bill, SB 239, would allow subsidiary bodies, such as committees or working groups, to meet entirely virtually without the requirement for a physical quorum. ACWA is in favor of SB 239. Lastly, AB 794 would grant the California State Water Resources Control Board the authority to establish emergency water quality regulations, bypassing the regular regulatory process. ACWA opposes AB 794 unless it is amended. Manager Hopkins also reported ACWA is sponsoring SB 454, which aims to create a PFOS mitigation fund to be financed through federal and state settlement grants. Additionally, the ACWA Legislative Symposium will take place on Wednesday, March 26th.
b. Stockton East Water District Activities Update
Manager Hopkins reported Directors Atkins, Watkins and himself traveled to Washington D.C. Manager Hopkins reported the meetings in Washington D.C. were productive. They met with the staff of Senator Schiff and discussed ongoing issues with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) faced by several CVP contractors. The District will send the requests submitted to USBR to Senator Schiff's staff, who will collaborate with other CVP contractors and inform USBR about their lack of action. Manager Hopkins also met with Senator Padilla’s staff, who were very supportive of the CVP contract changes. They plan to connect with Congressman Harder’s staff to work on a joint letter to USBR to help expedite the District's contract change. Additionally, Manager Hopkins met with Senator Gray’s staff to discuss how the District's CVP changes will benefit them. The District will move forward with submitting a letter of interest to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to have the Farmington Dam study included in their 2027 fiscal year budget. Congressman Harder and his staff will seek funding and ensure the Farmington study becomes part of the USACE work plan for 2026. Congressman Harder requested the District do public outreach related to the Farmington Dam study.
Manager Hopkins reported he has been in communication with the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD) regarding state funding available for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). They are currently discussing the creation of a local coalition letter to request additional SGMA funding. Manager Hopkins will collaborate with NSJWCD and potentially the South San Joaquin Irrigation District (SSJID) to draft and submit this letter to state officials.
Manager Hopkins reported the final concrete pour for the Upper Farmington Canal was completed last week.
Manager Hopkins reported the equipment use for the week of March 3rd.
4. Stockton East Water District Water Supply Update
Water Supply Manager Donis provided the Board with an update. He reported that the average groundwater level in the monitoring wells has increased by 1.52 feet, with a total year-to-date recharge of 2,738 acre-feet (AF). The current storage at New Melones Lake is 1,947,766 AF, which is 57,785 AF less than the amount of water it had at this time last year. New Hogan Lake’s current storage is 190,833 AF, which is 23,202 AF less than it had last year.
Additionally, Water Supply Manager Donis shared a work summary, which included the completion of spraying and disking at the treatment plant, herbicide application, and work on the right-of-way for both the Lower and Upper Farmington Canals. The Peters pipeline dewatering project has also been finished, and the channel from the flume project has been restored.
1. North San Joaquin Water Conservation District Town Hall – Lodi Grape Festival & Event Center, 02/26/25
No Board member attended this event.
2. San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation Annual Dinner, 03/04/25
Director Sanguinetti attended this event.
3. Ag Venture – Lodi, 03/06/25
Director Sanguinetti attended this event.
4. Pacific Southwest Irrigation 18th Annual Open House & Exhibition, 03/06/25
No Board member attended this event.
5. Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – March “Shamrock” Tradeshow Mixer, University Plaza Waterfront, 03/06/25
No Board member attended this event.
1. Central Valley Project Coalition Letter, 02/25/25
Manager Hopkins provided the Board with a Coalition Letter that went out from multiple CVP contractors requesting the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) not let go of staff so they could continue to operate and maintain the CVP Project.
1. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Steering Committee Meeting, 8:30 a.m., 03/12/25
*This meeting has been cancelled*
2. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Executive Committee Meeting, 8:00 a.m., 03/12/25
3. Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority Board Meeting, 10:30 a.m., 03/12/25
*This meeting has been cancelled*
4. San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation Monthly Water Committee Meeting, 4:30 p.m., 03/12/25
5. ACWA Spring Quarterly Policy Committee Meeting, 9:00 a.m., 03/13/25
6. F&M Bank – Annual AG BBQ, 11:00 a.m., 03/13/25
7. CVP Water Association – Executive and Financial Affairs Committee Meeting, 10:00 a.m., 03/14/25
8. Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom Meeting. 1:30 p.m., 03/14/25
Government Code Section 54956.8
Property: 091-240-120-000, 091-240-250-000, 091-240-350-000
Agent Negotiators: Justin Hopkins, General Manager
Negotiating Parties: Robert V & Venere M Marciano TR
Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment
Potential exposure to litigation – Government Code Section 54956.9 – two cases
President McGurk adjourned the meeting to closed session at 1:42 p.m. The regular meeting reconvened at 2:49 p.m., with no reportable action.
President McGurk adjourned the meeting at 2:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Justin M. Hopkins
Secretary of the Board