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Board Meeting

 Agenda and Minutes







AT 12:30 P.M., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2024 AT THE




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to be connected to the Regular Board Meeting, to begin at 12:30 p.m.

Agendas and minutes are located on our website at




A.      Pledge of Allegiance (Director Cortopassi) & Roll Call


B.        Consent Calendar (None)


C.        Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)


D.        Scheduled Presentations and Agenda Items                                                         

1.      Audited Financial Statements Presentations Fiscal Year



2.      Minutes 10/01/24       


3.      Warrants – Regular

a.       Fund 71 – Water Supply Fund

b.      Fund 89 – Fish Screen Improvement Fund                                                   

c.       Fund 91 – Vehicle Fund                                                                    

d.      Fund 94 – Municipal & Industrial Fund

e.       Payroll                                                

f.        Summary                                                                                                        

g.      Short Names/Acronym List                                                               

h.      SEWD Vehicles       


4.      Stockton East Water District – Low Lift Pump Station (LLPS)

           Standby Generator Purchase Memo


5.      Stockton East Water District – Low Lift Pump Station (LLPS)

          Switchboard and Transformer Purchase Memo


6.      Stockton East Water District – Rehabilitation of Water Treatment

          Plant Well 74-01 for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Memo


7.      United States Bureau of Reclamation – New Melones Deliveries

         2025 Water Year – Request for Approval of Delivery Schedule


8.      Resolution 24-25-10 – Authorization To File A Grant Application

         With The United States Bureau Of Reclamation For The

          WaterSMART Water And Energy Efficiency Grants (Funding. No

          R24AS00052) Fiscal Year 2025  


E.        Committee Reports  


F.         Report of the General Manager

1.       Water Supply Report 10/01/24                                                                                                                                 

2.      Informational Items: None


3.      Report on General Manager Activities                

a.       Stockton East Water District Activities Update


4.     Stockton East Water District Water Supply Update


G.        Director Reports

1.   Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – Business Showcase

        Tradeshow Mixer – Hilton Stockton, 10/03/24


2.   East Bay Municipal Utility District 29th Annual Pardee BBQ,



H.        Communications                                                                                         

Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District - Letter of Support

For Stockton East Water District’s Clements Road Pipeline Project –

Fiscal Year 2025 WaterSMART Drought Response Program Notice

of Funding Availability, 10/01/24


I.                   Agenda Planning/Upcoming Events

1.      San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation Monthly Water Committee

         Meeting, 4:30 p.m., 10/09/24


2.      ACWA Regions 6 & 7 – San Joaquin Valley Water Forum 2024,

          8:00 a.m., 10/11/24


3.      District Holiday – Columbus Day, 10/14/24


4.      San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition Steering

           Committee Meeting, 9:00 a.m., 10/14/24


5.      CVP Water Association – Executive & Financial Affairs

           Committee, 10:00 a.m., 10/15/24


J.     Closed Session

1.   CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED                LITIGATION Potential exposure to litigation – Government Code

                  Section 54956.9 – one case


K.        Adjournment



Certification of Posting


I hereby certify that on October 3, 2024 I posted a copy of the foregoing agenda in the outside display case at the District Office, 6767 East Main Street, Stockton, California, said time being at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stockton East Water District (Government Code Section 54954.2). 

Executed at Stockton, California on October 3, 2024.


Signed by: Priya Ram 10/0324

  Priya Ram, Director of Finance & Administration

   Stockton East Water District



Any materials related to items on this agenda distributed to the Board of Directors of Stockton East Water District less than 72 hours before the public meeting are available for public inspection at the District’s office located at the following address: 6767 East Main Street, Stockton, CA 95215. Upon request, these materials may be available in an alternative format to persons with disabilities.








ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2024, AT 12:30 P.M.



President Atkins called the regular meeting to order at 12:30 p.m., and Director Cortopassi led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present at roll call at the District were Directors Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza and Watkins. Also present were Manager Hopkins, Assistant Manager Vega, Director of Finance & Administration Ram, Senior Engineer Verduzco, Administrative Assistant Rodriguez, Legal Counsel Zolezzi and Consultant Barkett. Director Nakaue and Director Sanguinetti were absent.







  1. Audited Financial Statements Presentations Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Nathan Doty with JWT and Associates, LLP gave a presentation on the District’s Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Audited Financial Statements.


Mr. Doty provided a summary to the Board of the four (4) required communications (Audit Results) which included an unqualified audit opinion on financial audit; no audit adjustments; disputes or disagreements with the District Finance Staff during the audit. The total assets for the District are $147,175,713 and the net position for 2023-2024 is $98,541,635.


This item will come back to the next Regular Board Meeting for Board approval.


Director McGurk inquired if Mr. Doty had invested more time than usual in this audit. Mr. Doty replied since it was his first year working with the District he did spend more time getting up to speed with the District’s financials.


President Atkins thanked Mr. Doty for his presentation to the Board.


  1. Minutes 10/01/24 Regular Meeting

Director McGurk made the following correction to the minutes;

Ø  Page 3, section F-3a, paragraph 1, 2nd sentence – replace “House” with “legislature”.


Director McGurk made the following correction to the minutes;

Ø  Page 3, section F-3a, paragraph 3, 2nd sentence – replace “complaint” with “compliant”.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the October 1, 2024 Minutes, as amended

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti


3.      Warrants

a.       Fund 71 – Water Supply Fund

b.      Fund 89 – Fish Screen Improvement Fund                                 

c.       Fund 91 – Vehicle Fund                                                  

d.      Fund 94 – Municipal & Industrial Fund

e.       Payroll                                                                                          

f.        Summary              

g.      Short Names/Acronym List                                                         

h.      SEWD Vehicles                           


Director Cortopassi inquired on the expense on page 5, line item 67 for Central Valley Flood Protection Board for 408 permit for Fujiyama Crossing in the amount of $3,500. Manager Hopkins made the following correction on page 5, line item 67 replace “Fujiyama” with “Fujinaka”.


Director Cortopassi inquired on the expense on page 5, line item 74 for Iconix Waterworks/ Croix Water Products US Inc for Bellota air release valve replace project, 2-inch ARI valves in the amount of $32,330.39. Manager Hopkins replied the ARI valves are continuously acting and more complex than what the District used previously.


Director Cortopassi inquired on the expense on page 9, line item 97 for Kludd & Sons, Inc. for unleaded fuel/ propane for unit 70 in the amount of $15,797.32. Manager Hopkins replied it is for both unleaded fuel and propane. Director Watkins made the correction to replace “Kludd” with “Kludt”.


Director McGurk inquired on the expense on page 5, line item 71 for Grainger, Inc. for float switch cattle trough in the amount of $171.92. Manager Hopkins replied it is a valve.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the October 8, 2024, Warrants with spelling corrections, as amended.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti


4.      Stockton East Water District – Low Lift Pump Station (LLPS) Standby Generator Purchase Memo

Manager Hopkins presented the Board with Low Lift Pump Station (LLPS) Standby Generator Purchase Memo. Manager Hopkins reported with the lightning strike the District had a few months ago, the District ran into some issues with the two standby generators for the Low Lift Pumping Station (LLPS) and the Operations and Administration Building. Manager Hopkins reported District staff reached out and obtained two quotes from three vendors for a standby generator to replace the two older generators around the Low Lift Pumping Station (LLPS). Assistant Manager Vega reported the quotes include the standby generator cost, along with a two-year warranty, two-year maintenance contract, 3000A automatic transfer switch, 1200A TAP junction box and shipping and taxes. Assistant Manager Vega reported Holt came in at $1,355,665 and Bay City $1,395,596 for the 1500 kW Generator. No budget amendment is needed for the current fiscal year; however, staff propose inclusion of purchasing the standby generator in Fiscal Year 2026-2027 as a budget line item including funds for installation by a contractor. Staff recommends the Board authorize the General Manager to approve the purchase of the Caterpillar standby generator from Holt of California. 


Director Atkins inquired if the Cummins and CAT generator the District currently owns will be replaced with the Caterpillar. Assistant Manager Vege replied yes.


Director Cortopassi inquired if staff investigated the amount of electricity it takes to run the water treatment plant and low lift pump station. Manager Hopkins replied it takes 1500 kW.


Director Atkins inquired when the generator will be delivered. Assistant Manager Vega replied the lead time is at least 18 months possibly two years. Discussion followed.


A motion was moved and seconded to authorize the General Manager to approve the purchase of the Caterpillar Standby Generator from Holt of California in the amount of $1,491,231.50, and make all other necessary approvals and keep the existing generators for emergency, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti


5.      Stockton East Water District – Low Lift Pump Station (LLPS) Switchboard and Transformer Purchase Memo

Manager Hopkins presented the Board with Low Lift Pump Station (LLPS) Switchboard and Transformer Purchase Memo. Manager Hopkins reported staff has been working on identifying the need for replacement for the Districts transformers which have been identified as single points of failure. Assistant Manager Vega reported staff reached out and obtained multiple quotes from multiple vendors for a switchboard and transformer. The District received five quotes for the 3000A Switchboard and two quotes for the 2000kva Transformer. Assistant Manager Vega reported the key factors in selecting a switchboard and transformer are; existing manufacturers already installed at the pump stations, initial capital costs, availability and support. Staff recommends the purchase of the Square D transformer sold by Graybar and the ABB switchboard sold by ABB. Assistant Manager Vega reported due to the estimated lead time of one and one-half years, the District would take delivery of the switchboard and transformer in Fiscal Year 2025-2026; however, no budget amendment is needed from the current fiscal year. Staff recommends the Board authorize the General manager to approve the purchase of the switchboard from ABB of $191,978.79 and the transformer from Graybar for $134,603.71.


Director Cortopassi inquired if the switchboard and transformer were included in the study Stantec presented to the Board as a necessary upgrade. Manager Hopkins replied yes.


A motion was moved and seconded to authorize the General Manager to approve the purchase of the switchboard from ABB in the amount of $191,978.79 and the transformer from Graybar in the amount of $134,603.71, plus a 10% contingency of $64,745.40, for a total approval of $359,240.75, and make all other necessary changes, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti


6.      Stockton East Water District – Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant Well 74-01 for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Memo

Manager Hopkins presented the Board with Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant Well 74-01 for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Memo. Manager Hopkins reported one of the District’s projects this fiscal year is completion of an ASR well. The ASR program consists of the rehabilitation and connection of an ASR well divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was comprised of ASR well study and design and phase 2A is the Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plant well 74-01. Manager Hopkins reported GEI Consultants, Inc (GEI) completed the ASR well study and design during the 23-24 fiscal year. The District received bids from three Well rehabilitation companies. Bid were received from Eaton Drilling Company, LLC, PumpMan NorCal and Purviance Drillers, Inc. Assistant Manager Vega reported Purviance recommended a more extensive rehabilitation effort including doubling the swab time and adding a “Prima Pulse” process to loosen debris at the perforation opening since reaching the screening with a brush would be challenging. Staff recommends the Board authorize the General Manager to approve a Construction Contract with Purviance Drillers, Inc. for the rehabilitation of the 74-01 well for $84,213. 


Director Watkins inquired where 74-01 is located. Manager Hopkins replied 74-01 is on campus near the clear wells.


Director Atkins inquired about the depth of 74-01. Assistant Manager Vega replied around 300 - 400 ft deep.


A motion was moved and seconded to authorize the General Manager to approve a Construction Contract with Purviance Drillers, Inc. for the rehabilitation of the 74-01 well in the amount of $84,213 plus a 10% contingency of $8,421 for a total of $92,634 and make all other necessary approvals, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti


7.      United States Bureau of Reclamation – New Melones Deliveries 2025 Water Year – Request for Approval of Delivery Schedule

Manager Hopkins presented United States Bureau of Reclamation – New Melones Deliveries 2025 Water Year – Request for Approval of Delivery Schedule. Manager Hopkins reported each year the District submits a request to the U.S Bureau of Reclamation for an allocation which is a calendar year request which covers two water years.


Director Cortopassi inquired if the District knows the cost per acre-foot for agricultural water for the 2025 water year. Manager Hopkins replied no.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the United States Bureau of Reclamation – New Melones Deliveries 2025 Water Year – Request for Approval of Delivery Schedule, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti


8.      Resolution 24-25-10 – Authorization To File A Grant Application With The United States Bureau Of Reclamation For The WaterSMART Water And Energy Efficiency Grants (Funding. No R24AS00052) Fiscal Year 2025        

Manager Hopkins presented the Board with Resolution 24-25-10 – Authorization To File A Grant Application With The United States Bureau Of Reclamation For The WaterSMART Water And Energy Efficiency Grants (Funding. No R24AS00052) Fiscal Year 2025. Manager Hopkins reported one of the District projects are the Upper Farmington Canal Flume and included in the scope of work is lining a part of the canal up to the flume to reduce vegetation. Manager Hopkins reported the District did not have enough funding to construct the flume and do all of the canal lining. Staff is recommending filing a WaterSMART and Energy efficiency Grant to help with those costs. Manager Hopkins reported the District will have to budget $1,190,844 for Fiscal Year 26-27 towards matching funds for the project.



A motion was moved and seconded Resolution 24-25-10 – Authorization To File A Grant Application With The United States Bureau Of Reclamation For The WaterSMART Water And Energy Efficiency Grants (Funding. No R24AS00052) Fiscal Year 2025, as presented.

Roll Call:

Ayes:       Atkins, Cortopassi, McGurk, Panizza, Watkins

Nayes:      None

Abstain:   None

Absent:    Nakaue, Sanguinetti





1.      Water Supply Report as of 10/08/24

Manager Hopkins provided a handout of the Water Supply Report for information only that included storage, release, and production data collected from various sources as of midnight last night.


There is 180,006 AF in storage at New Hogan Reservoir. Current releases are set at 168 cfs. There is 1,819,718 AF in storage at New Melones Reservoir. Current releases are set at 717 cfs. The current release at Goodwin Dam to Stanislaus River is set at 254 cfs and release to all water users is set at 781 cfs. The District Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is currently processing 46 mgd. North Stockton is currently utilizing 10 mgd. South Stockton is currently using 8 mgd. Cal Water is currently utilizing 24 mgd. The City of Stockton WTP is currently processing 17 mgd.  


2.      Information Items: None


3.      Report on General Manager Activities          

a.       Stockton East Water District Activities Update

Manager Hopkins reported under the county's MICUP grant, the District conducted Tow-behind Electric Magnetic surveys at several sites. One of the sites surveyed is where the District plans to develop its future West Groundwater Recharge Basin on campus. Manager Hopkins shared a map that used color coding to show results, with blue being best and green showing good areas.


Manager Hopkins announced the District is currently taking apparel orders, which will be accepted until Friday.


Manager Hopkins reported receiving an update from Congressman Harder’s office, stating the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has reviewed the House WRDA bill for 2024 and is in favor of the language. If the bill is adopted and signed into law, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is prepared to begin the Farmington Dam study without any issues.


4.      Stockton East Water District Water Supply Update

Water Supply Manager Donis provided the board with an update on the District’s water supply. Every month the monitoring well data is collected. Water Supply Manager Donis reported on the monitoring wells/groundwater level change in the last 12 months. The 3 wells between Administration and South Raw Water Reservoir averaged -17.8 ft in 12 months and up 16.5 ft in 2 years.  The 3 wells east of the East Reservoir averaged down - 6 ft in 12 months and 15ft in 2 years. The 3 wells East of the nursery on Main averaged -14 ft in 12 months and up 16 ft in 2 years. One well northwest corner of SEWD is down -3 ft in 12 months and up 16 ft in 2 years. One well center of Bozzano is down -12 feet and up 15ft in 2 years. The 4 wells east of the North Raw Water Reservoir averaged -17 ft in 12 months and up 12ft in 2 years. The total SEWD recharge YTD is 11, 779 acre-feet.


Water Supply Manager Donis reported on the New Melones Lake. The storage last year was 1,894,739 acre-feet and storage today was 1,819,718 acre-feet. The top of conservation was 2,204,787 acre-feet and the release were 0 CFS. The allocation used to date was 38,381 acre-feet. He also reported on New Hogan Lake. The storage last year was 189,020 acre-feet and storage today is 179,945 acre-feet. The top of conservation is 317,100 acre-feet and the release was 118 CFS. The allocation used to date was 75,354 acre-feet.


G.    Director Reports

1.      Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – Business Showcase Tradeshow Mixer – Hilton Stockton, 10/03/24

Director Watkins attended the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce – Business Showcase Tradeshow Mixer – Hilton Stockton. Director Watkins reported there were booths with different vendors and kids with their costumes.


2.      East Bay Municipal Utility District 29th Annual Pardee BBQ, 10/04/24

Director McGurk, Director Watkins, Assistant Manager Vega, and District Engineer Evensen attended the 29th Annual Pardee BBQ hosted by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Director McGurk reported informational notecards about California wildfires were distributed. Assistant Manager Vega reported DWR’s deputy gave a speech emphasizing the importance of collaboration in ensuring long-term environmental sustainability. Additionally, Jeniffer Spaletta was recognized with an award for her contributions to the DREAM project. Director Watkins reported a display board featuring information about salmon, along with relevant statistics, was showcased at the event.



1.      Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District - Letter of Support For Stockton East Water District’s Clements Road Pipeline Project – Fiscal Year 2025 WaterSMART Drought Response Program Notice of Funding Availability, 10/01/24

Manager Hopkins reported the District’s grant application which was sent last week for the Clements Repair Pipeline project was accompanied by a letter of support from Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District (CSJWCD)



1.      San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation Monthly Water Committee Meeting, 4:30 p.m., 10/09/24


2.      ACWA Region 6&7 – San Joaquin Valley Water Forum 2024, 8:00 a.m., 10/11/24


3.      District Holiday – Columbus Day, 10/14/24


4.      San Joaquin County and Delta Water Quality Coalition Steering Committee Meeting, 9:00 a.m., 10/14/24


5.      CVP Water Association – Executive & Financial Affairs Committee, 10:00 a.m., 10/15/24




1.      CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Potential exposure to litigation – Government Code Section 54956.9 – one case


President Atkins adjourned the meeting to closed session at 1:54 p.m. The regular meeting reconvened at 2:54 p.m., with no reportable action.




President Atkins adjourned the meeting at 2:55p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Signed by: Justin M. Hopkins

Justin M. Hopkins
Secretary of the Board

