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Eastern Water Alliance Meeting

Eastern Water Alliance (EWA)

Post Office Box 5157

Stockton, CA 95205


An Alliance of Water Districts, Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District (CSJWCD), North San Joaquin Water Conservation District (NSJWCD), and Stockton East Water District (SEWD), located over the critically overdrafted Eastern San Joaquin County Groundwater Basin


Thursday, March 7, 2024 Minutes




A)    Call to Order: Director McGurk called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.                                                                                                                          

B)    Roll Call: A quorum of the Eastern Water Alliance Board members were present (Chairman McGurk, and Directors Roberts, Simpson, and Colombini). Also present were SEWD’s Assistant Manager Vega, District Engineer Evensen, Finance Director Ram, Administrative Assistant Wood and NSJWCD General Manager Steve Schwabauer. Directors Sanguinetti and Thompson were absent.


C)    Public Comment: None


D)    Presentation and Action items:

1.      Board Organization

a.       Election of Officers

Director McGurk stated he has no opposition in remaining on the committee as the chairman.


A motion was moved by Director Colombini and seconded by Director Simpson to approve Thomas McGurk as Chairman of the Board for the Eastern Water Alliance. The motion passed unanimously.


b.      Committee Assignments

The Eastern Water Alliance (EWA) Committee reviewed the committee members roster. Director Colombini clarified the committee members consist of David Simpson, Jason Colombini, Grant Thompson, Reid Roberts, Paul Sanguinetti and alternate Andrew Watkins.


A motion was moved by Director Colombini and seconded by Director Simpson to approve the Eastern Water Alliance Committee Assignments, as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


2.      Approval of Minutes:

a.       Minutes 11/22/23

A motion was moved by Director Simpson and seconded by Director Colombini to approve the November 22, 2023 minutes, as presented. The motion passed unanimously.                     



3.      Request for DREAM Project Groundwater Extraction Extension to April 2024 Memo:

Mr. Schwabauer reported the DREAM Project groundwater extraction is permitted from October 1st to March 31st. In collaboration with NSJWCD, EBMUD initiated extraction on January 10th, 2024 and planned to continuously extract approximately 296 acre feet of groundwater (half of the 592 acre feet banked in Fall 2023) through the end of March 2024. The extraction period was initiated in combination with San Joaquin County who is responsible for groundwater monitoring to identify whether significant impacts to groundwater levels would result from the DREAM Project. However, unanticipated mechanical and control system failures on Extraction Well K-13 resulted in ongoing starts and stops every few days from the initiation of extraction on January 10th, 2024 through February 5th, 2024. Therefore, an extension to April 30th was requested to allow extraction of the entire 296 acre feet of banked groundwater to observe whether impacts to groundwater exist with extraction of the full banked volume for a longer duration. The irrigation season is expected to start later therefore the extension would not interfere with that timeline.


Director Simpson reported the DREAM Monitoring committee reviewed the data presented by EBMUD at the February 28th committee meeting. The consensus of the committee is there have been no negative impacts on groundwater levels from the DREAM extraction therefore the monitoring committee recommends the EWA move forward with the extension. EBMUD Associate Engineer Stella Tan stated they are not anticipating any other extension requests.


a.       Resolution 24-01 – A Resolution of The Board of Directors of the Eastern Water Alliance To Recommend the Board of Supervisors Amend Resolution R-17-35 To Extend The Term Of The Extraction Timeline For The Groundwater Banking Demonstration Project (DREAM) Agreement To April 30, 2024


A motion was moved by Director Simpson and seconded by Director Roberts to approve Resolution 24-01, A Resolution of The Board of Directors of the Eastern Water Alliance To Recommend the Board of Supervisors Amend Resolution R-17-35 To Extend The Term Of The Extraction Timeline For The Groundwater Banking Demonstration Project (DREAM) Agreement To April 30, 2024, as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


E)     Unfinished Business: None


F)      New Business: None


G)    Agenda Planning for Next Meeting: None


H)    Adjournment: Chairman McGurk adjourned the meeting at 10:22 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Juan M. Vega                 
